At PVF, Students get together from different age group and background, they share music, interests, practice tips, inspire each other. Student grows through the learning process, avoiding unnecessary pitfalls, and grow confidence and abilities, achieve each level of success. They have fond memories throughout the activities and music learning journey.

Parents love PVF structured Platform. they found more opportunities for their child, at PVF, they get valuable educational hints and advices from our professional advisors. Your generous support made our mission become true and change more people’s life through music.

Make a Donation

Make a donation and make a big change ~ Your donation is a life changer for our youth, Thank you!

    Copper - $100Bronze - $500Silver - $1000Gold - $5000Platinum - $10000Other

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    I am happy to be listed in the annual donors’ list

    Piano Village welcomes one-time gifts, matching gifts, multi-year pledges, and bequests, Gifts maybe earmarked to any of the following funds:

    Company match: my gift will be matched by company name__________
    (Please send your company’s complete matching gift form)

    Through Zelle:

    Check payable to : PianoVillage Inc

    Mail the check to : 

    PianoVillage Inc   17 Livingston Pl, Greenwich, CT 06830

    To discuss making a gift or to set up a legacy gift, please contact us at call 203-558-1928

    Contributions to Piano Village Foundations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Every donor will receive an acknowledgement letter for tax purposes

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