Piano Service Selection

Onsite Piano Selection/ Pre buy-Consultation

Piano Village has good connection with authorized dealers, as respected piano platform, We represent and help you to choose the best quality with special price from our professionals.

    FAQs about Choosing a Piano

    There are grand pianos, upright pianos, and digital pianos from countless brands to choose from. Therefore, we provide a guide here about how you might approach choosing a piano. It is a big decision to purchase a piano. In order to choose the best piano for you, we gladly provide services where an expert helps you through the shopping process.

    What type of piano should I choose: grand, upright, or digital?

    Piano is also a piece of fine furniture. Which one you choose is based on your home size and how good you need the sound to be. Grand pianos are big, give you the best touch, and provide an experience similar to concert hall performances at home. Upright pianos take up a lot less space, they usually don’t have as great of a touch as grand pianos, and they are perfect for practice pianos. Lastly, digital pianos are just for fun. Although they don’t need tuning, their tones have no color and feeling. Even the ones with weighted keys that claim they simulate an acoustic piano (acoustic means grand or upright) lack the touch action you need for advancing in your piano studies. If you really want to play well, start with an acoustic piano. You will have a hard time adjusting from digital to acoustic, but will have no problem playing a digital piano if you always practice on an acoustic one. We hope the above helps you make a more informed decision! At the end of the day, pianos are very individual and every single one sounds different, you just need to find the one that fits your home.

    What brand should I choose?

    Brands are related to pricing. When you are browsing, you will see pianos at very different price points. Even within the same brand, sometimes down to the same model, every piano sounds different. Pianos are like people’s voices and are very individual. So there is Unfortunately no general answer for this. Make sure you play and listen to the piano before you buy, because the sound does not depend on only the technical factors. The sound also depends on touch action, tone color, and the voice you want to choose.

    Where should I go to look at pianos?

    You should go to a piano store in person. Do thorough research on which piano stores in your area have a good reputation. Good stores prepare the pianos on the floor so it will sound exactly the same when you buy it and bring it home. However, in some stores the piano can sound very different at home and in store.

    Do superficial decorations and the material of a piano affect its quality?

    The most superficial decorations such as the outside paint color and some carvings on the wood does not affect piano quality. However, the wood type does make pianos sound different. The ebony finish is the most basic kind. Mahogany and other walnut woods sound fuller and are pricier.

    What can I do if I am on a budget?

    You can purchase a second hand piano or rent a piano if you are on a budget. However, in this case, there might be something wrong with the technical parts of the piano! Please consult someone knowledgeable for help, and at PVF we have our own experts ready to guide you through the process.